Blog | AppLogic Networks

Letter from the CEO

Written by Lyndon Cantor, Chief Executive Officer | Oct 3, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Dear customer,

For over 20 years, Sandvine has been a market leader in packet processing for broadband networks providing unique Network Intelligence insights to help you operate your business.

Over our history, our ambition has been to provide unique value by delivering the single most accurate vendor-agnostic traffic classification available in the market. Universally, our customers acknowledge that we provide them visibility and clarity of traffic in their network that they cannot see from any other technology or vendor type, which leads to better business outcomes.

I am reaching out to make you aware of an evolution I am driving in our business model that we think can help you with an evolution in yours.

We believe that our industry is at another important inflection point. You are facing a greater magnitude of volumetric OTT application usage, which is disproportionate to the investments required to deploy infrastructure at the scale necessary for a high quality of experience (QoE). As you know, this is something we analyze on a recurring global basis and cover in our Sandvine Global Internet Phenomena Report (please click to review).

This shift in dynamics is based on the evolution of how applications and connectivity accommodate work-from-home transitions, surging mobile streaming demands, and attractive consumer marketing programs, like ‘Unlimited Plans’, which are creating huge headwinds from a “satisfy-the-consumer versus run-a-profitable-business” model. This problem is only getting worse with the latest mobile and fixed technology turns (5G, DOCSIS 4.0, etc.)

The traditional approach of building a network for the ‘tonnage’ of bandwidth to deliver voice, video, and data services to your consumer and enterprise customers is proving to be unsustainable. You can no longer maintain profitable growth with capital-intensive investments intended to deliver the unrelenting app growth rate, while at the same time having to invest in operations and management systems that squeeze more efficiencies from your existing deployment.

Today’s reality is that your brand image is inextricably tied to the subscriber perception of app QoE, which is why we are announcing an evolution of our identity: Sandvine – The App QoE Company.

This next phase for Sandvine builds on our application and network intelligence capabilities but is very focused on the “awareness of network wide OTT application QoE” to help you improve profitability and conquer CAPEX and OPEX challenges.

We are further investing in what differentiates us in the market to help you do the same:

  • Unparalleled classification that boasts 95+ percent accuracy for more than 2500+ applications
  • New application categories that better reflect the volume and complexity of apps that matter in your network
  • Enhanced and specific QoE scoring for app content (recognizing multiple services and activities within applications)
  • Use case-specific visual workflows that will enable collaboration and sharing of insights across teams

These enhancements will help you see your network in a new lens and at a precision you won’t find from other technologies or vendors. From a 95%+ awareness of all applications and their quality, your teams will be better able to troubleshoot real-time issues, plan your network more effectively, understand and benchmark how well your network is performing, and empower you to build additional revenue streams. These enhancements will also empower you to create a more equitable relationship with content providers.

We are doing something truly different and unique with our approach to Application QoE. Please let us share and show you how we can help you take your current investments to become App QoE enabled.

If you want more detail, please contact us, and be sure to register for our upcoming Introduction to App QoEwebinar, during which we will go into more detail about our enhancements and new market direction.

Lyndon Cantor
Chief Executive Officer



Related resources:

App QoE Interview with Light Reading
Heavy Usage Webinar and eBook
Heavy User Management
Performance Monitoring and Analysis
Subscriber Service Analysis
Real-Time Subscriber Insights   
Gaming QoE Analysis
Use Case eBook
Video QoE Analysis
Video Streaming Management
Intent-based Congestion Management