Blog | AppLogic Networks

New AppLogic Product Means Better Network Visibility and Capability

Written by Samir Marwaha, Chief Solutions Officer | Feb 15, 2023 1:00:00 PM
Accurately identify, categorize and classify applications for enhanced App QoE

As revealed in our recent Global Internet Phenomena Report, the exponential growth in the number of internet applications, the complexity and subsequent bandwidth demands of those applications, and the steep increase in subscriber application usage, means service providers are under increasing pressure to satisfy customers while keeping costs under control.

With the sudden shift to work from home and home schooling due to Covid, users are increasingly dependent on more applications, with some users averaging as much as 5 to 8 hours per day. This dependency has led to increasing expectations with respect to quality, especially among the heaviest users like interactive gamers and work-from-home professionals.

All of this – the increasing number of apps, the increasing complexity and bandwidth from apps, and ever-increasing customer expectations – means that service providers need to pay especially close attention to the experience their subscribers receive when using apps on their network. They need to pay attention to App QoE.

Our new AppLogic product, introduced today, is designed to help service providers accurately identify, classify and categorize applications flowing over their networks. In addition, due to complexity of applications, chat, payment, voice and video can be carried within the same flows. AppLogic is the only solution that can accurately categorize this content as well. Service Providers can use this rich data to fill gaps in their business processes for customer experience scoring, troubleshooting app issues, prioritizing app traffic, or simplifying plans to defer CapEx.

With an incomparable library of 5,000 signatures across 2,500 applications, plus heuristics, machine learning, analyzers and parsers, AppLogic delivers an unprecedented, 95% identification capability – far beyond the industry standard of 50-60% – enabling service providers to know exactly what is going on in their networks any place, any time, with unmatched precision.

AppLogic makes all of this precision data manageable for operators by breaking down traffic into 14 “Application Categories” and 11 “Content Categories” such as file delivery, Web browsing, on-demand versus live streaming, etc.

To keep AppLogic data up to date and accurate, Sandvine tests and analyzes the top 120+ applications daily, and issues new product updates every week. This constant and continual maintenance ensures service providers always have the best data on hand when they need to make critical business decisions

By using multiple methods, AppLogic is able to classify and categorize application traffic in real time, enabling accurate customer experience scoring that helps reduce churn and increase NPS. It also enables efficient and effective proactive service automation. Such tools are critical at a time when service providers are faced with doing more with less, stretching every CapEx dollar, while also having to deliver reliable, exceptional service to their customers.

In the past, the solution to service issues was to throw more bandwidth at the problem. More and more throughput is not the answer anymore. Resource optimization is the only way to solve the problem without breaking the bank. Such optimization begins with detailed, thorough, and accurate analysis. Analysis that requires the kind of data only Sandvine’s AppLogic can deliver.

With AppLogic data in hand, service providers no longer have to fly blind. The visibility they gain into applications helps CTOs optimize their existing networks and maximize their network investments; helps Operations more quicky troubleshoot problems; helps Network Planners and Big Data teams plan more precisely and with better results for better customer satisfaction.

Beginning in April, Sandvine will offer customers great flexibility by providing three levels of app classification capabilities:

  • App Classification – this product provides simple, accurate application classification across the growing landscape of 6M+ internet apps and is the current App Classification for our solutions deployed today.
  • AppLogic Dynamic – this new product and next generation of App Classification enables service providers to classify applications, as well as application content, for a comprehensive view of application traffic and is updated monthly for ease of deployment.
  • AppLogic Precise – this new product provides the same level of detail as AppLogic Dynamic but is updated weekly to ensure the most up-to-date and accurate view possible.

If you want to learn more about AppLogic and how it can help you save money while increasing customer satisfaction, meet with us at Mobile World Congress, Feb 27-March 2 in Barcelona.

Learn more about AppLogic here.