Blog | AppLogic Networks

Sandvine’s Commitment on Earth Day and Beyond

Written by Tim Swango | Apr 21, 2023 3:51:39 PM
Every day has to be Earth Day if we are to individually and collectively protect our planet.

Tomorrow is Earth Day– a day set aside for all of us to think about being responsible stewards of Earth’s natural resources and ecosystems. As climate change becomes more pronounced around the world, there is a growing interest among our customers, business partners and employees to take environmental responsibility seriously.

At Sandvine, since 2008, we have maintained a robust Environmental Management System that has resulted in our being ISO 14001:2015 certified. But we don’t rest on our laurels and have continued to evolve our policies and practices to ensure that we protect our environment by eliminating waste and reducing our impact on pollution. Our Environmental Policy helps guide management, employees, partners, and other parties in making environmentally responsible decisions and managing environmental risks.

Some steps we have taken internally to minimize our impact on the planet include:

  • Reinforcing our commitment by evolving our Environmental Management System and maintaining our ISO 14001:2015 certification.
  • Energy conservation through lab virtualization and manufacturing efficiency improvements.
  • Creating virtual products that empower customers to select sustainable hardware options, as well as reuse existing infrastructure (reduction of e-waste).
  • Reduce plastic and electronic waste with more effective recycling practices.
  • Implement policies and internal education efforts on energy conservation, such as reminders to always power off screens and lights when not in use, and to follow automobile “idle-free” practices to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Company-sponsored employee participation as volunteers in community clean-up days.


By building sustainable hardware options like virtual and cloud-based deployments, we help customers reuse existing infrastructure. For example, more efficient routers not only have financial benefits, but also reduce the need for equipment that would have detrimental environmental impacts.

While Earth Day has been around since 1970, it is now becoming a significant global movement, involving 1 billion people in more than 193 countries. We can make a difference if we as individuals and as organizations combine our efforts with others to accelerate what is possible in meeting climate goals and objectives.

I hope you will join in by making a commitment to do something to help the Earth's environment not only on Earth Day, but every day going forward. Relatively simple examples of what you can do include:

✓ Drive less, walk and bike more

✓ Plant and eat more vegetables (in a garden or in pots)

✓ Use only proven pollinator-friendly weed killers

✓ Wean yourself from disposable plastics such as bags, straws, and bottles (go to reusable bags, metal straws, juicing your own fruit)

✓ Support truly “green” brands

✓ Engage with companies that take sustainability seriously

At Sandvine, we recognize the role we must play in addressing our environmental impact. We have a number of initiatives underway, but we know there is more work to be done particularly around measurement of outcomes and impacts.

To learn more about our environmental, social and governance practices, schedule a meeting with us here.