Service Providers struggle with interpreting their data and are left with making broad, generic decisions. As encryption begins to take over, a service provider’s network has become dark. While it was once acceptable to use generic network KPIs to interpret the network, over 6M applications on the Internet all act differently and all have different network demands. And a service provider who can’t see what’s happening, is now seeing the harsh reality that OTT application providers are growing their profitability while running on their network ‘rent free’.
Doing ‘the same’ is no longer acceptable because the reality is that they can’t keep up with sustained spending when the traffic has grown exponentially. This kind of pressure forces service providers to spend blindly every time their ruled based capacity thresholds get crossed all because they can’t see what’s truly happening on their network. This lack of true visibility leaves money on the table because they can’t find new ways to save operationally, preserve their investments, or monetize new opportunities.
Seeing is Believing with AppLogic
With AppLogic Networks' industry leading classification engine AppLogic, seeing is believing. Understanding applications, application categories, and content types allows service providers to get back into the conversation of becoming relevant again.
With the industry’s most granular classification, new data can be curated to help service providers with new insights and new ways to optimize and monetize their networks, or participate in the new data economy.
But wait there’s more
But understanding is not always enough. Teams that are looking to troubleshoot issues or see trends with their traffic can live with AppLogic alone. But other departments who are looking to optimize their network, find ways to stretch their investments and defer capex or find new creative ways to create new revenue opportunities or simply provide their end-customers a full red-carpet, personalized experience need a way to hone in on how customer feel about their network.
Enter App QoE Scoring
App QoE Scoring is a depiction of a subscriber’s sentiment of how an application is performing in near real-time. It is a score that ranges from 1 to 5 and measures the majority of the classified applications derived from AppLogic to provide service providers with a transformed, usable set of data that unlocks all doors for all departments.
Leveraging over 20 years of AppLogic Networks' expertise in telecom along with using the latest in AI/ML modeling, AppLogic Networks' teams work tirelessly every day to provide the industry’s most accurate score.
One may ask, why is this important? The answer is simple, understanding how a user feels about the network in any given moment, amongst all of the applications and services being used, brings clarity to departments looking to:
Plan: Knowing new trends or what new applications are gaining traction in the network
Troubleshoot: Knowing what applications are causing issues. Or pinpointing issues that are happening at home, on a device, on the network or at the application servers
Fix: Providing clarity on where to troubleshoot and where to prioritize
Preserve: Understanding opportunities to optimize the network and defer capex based on the distribution of applications and the understanding of what applications can be shaped without affecting the overall QoE
Secure: Detecting low App QoE scores to identify subscribers who might be affective by a threat
Prevent: Identify low App QoE or abnormal behavior to prevent potential threats
Monetize: Determining creative new plans based on customer sentiment or App QoE scores
Personalize: Using App QoE scores as an input to determine new opportunities to improve the overall customer experience and journey