Expand and optimize satellite networks

As Satellite networks prepare to expand their footprint into new markets, the need for traffic visibility is paramount in not only reducing network costs but delivering personalized services that exceed expectations. With AppLogic Network's industry-leading machine-learning enhanced classification capabilities, satellite service providers can leverage the best and most accurate data to reduce network costs, and usher in new services across new markets while assuring performance.


The changing dynamics of satellite networks

The recent emergence of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites and the convergence of 5G networks puts satellite service providers in a position to offer a new breed of services and allows them to move more aggressively into adjacent market areas such as: consumer broadband (including rural and other areas with poor or no service), community Wi-Fi services, backbones for IoT devices, government services, and more.

However, reducing costs and assuring QoE are paramount for satellite service providers to be successful and this requires precise visibility and control of the satellite network.


Video QoE Analysis
Analyze user perception of video quality
Read Use Case Brief

Enabling the next phase of satellite growth

With the most accurate and contextual network analytics in the industry, AppLogic Networks' Application and Network Intelligence can empower Satellite Operators to reduce network costs and drive new innovative services into new markets, while assuring QoE for the next generation of satellite services.

Innovate Services
  • Enable new Satellite services
  • Increase ARPU on video, gaming, and social media applications
  • Seamlessly integrate into Policy/Charging systems
Reduce Costs
  • Manage traffic and control congestion
  • Optimize traffic and increase ROI
  • Optimally plan capacity growth
Manage Experience
  • Understand subscriber experience
  • Assure subscriber QoE
  • Tailor services to subscriber consumption patterns


Analytics Products
AppLogic Networks' Insights Product Family aggregates the intelligence collected from your entire network and visualizes it based on the use case deployed on your network.
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Data Plane Products
AppLogic Networks' ActiveLogic equips operators with a simplified, hyperscale, automation-ready data plane to tackle the next era of network challenges.
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Control Plane Products
Next generation control plane for automated networks.
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AppLogic Networks' iQ platform allows operators to take advantage of the benefits of moving through the phases of their cloud journey without sacrificing performance.
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