The importance of actionable insights

As mobile service providers (MSPs) digitally transform their businesses, they want to grow revenues, smooth the transition to 5G, assure application Quality of Experience (QoE) and optimize network traffic. AppLogic Networks' industry leading machine-learning classification and actionable insights provide MSPs with the best application and network intelligence available to make decisions and create and manage innovative services that drive business results.


The proliferation of mobile services

Mobile traffic volumes are growing dramatically as digital content providers usher in the next generation of video, cloud gaming, collaborative communications, and social media sharing applications to meet the content demands of consumers and enterprises.

To make matters worse, it is increasingly difficult for MSPs to identify the traffic that traverses their networks. Our high accuracy and ability to recognize even encrypted traffic comes from the strongest signature libraries in the industry augmented by our ML capabilities.

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Drive actions and results

AppLogic Networks' App QoE portfolio provides the most accurate and contextual application and network analytics in the industry. This enables mobile service providers to take in-line or off-line actions based on pre-packaged use cases, maximize revenue, personalize services, manage subscriber experiences, and control costs.

Maximize Revenue
  • Create and manage innovative services
  • Increase revenues from video, remote working, gaming, and social media services
  • Integrate into policy and charging systems
Manage Subscriber Experience
  • Understand subscriber usage, behaviors, and preferences
  • Assure subscriber quality of experience
  • Tailor services to subscriber consumption patterns
Control Cost
  • Granular, accurate traffic management and congestion control
  • Multi-cloud deployments
  • Optimize traffic and increase ROI


Analytics Products
AppLogic Networks' Insights Product Family aggregates the intelligence collected from your entire network and visualizes it based on the use case deployed on your network.
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Data Plane Products
AppLogic Networks' ActiveLogic equips operators with a simplified, hyperscale, automation-ready data plane to tackle the next era of network challenges.
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Control Plane Products
Next generation control plane for automated networks.
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AppLogic Networks' iQ platform allows operators to take advantage of the benefits of moving through the phases of their cloud journey without sacrificing performance.
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