Distributed Energy Networks are Critical

The world of energy and natural resources products creates heavy demand on highly distributed networks spread across vast territories. Complex networks with varying network types (broadband, 4G/5G, microwave, satellite), all having different operational characteristics, make it tedious and difficult to optimize the overall network. Additionally, new data demands from IoT and equipment push the limits of network bandwidth of the various locations.

These new demands have a trickle effect down to the network and network operations, including:

  • Explosive network traffic growth in new content from IoT devices and sensors
  • Shifting application usage patterns and priorities
  • Greater pressure to maintain network continuity
  • The inability to gain complete visibility into network performance

Without optimized network services, production at energy and natural resources firms would dwindle, which is why many are turning to AppLogic Networks' Enterprise Solution to give them the visibility and optimization they need to better operate their networks to maximize productivity and efficiency.


Enterprise Use Cases

Enterprise Network Observability
Read Use Case Brief
Enterprise Network Optimization
Read Use Case Brief


  • Lower, deferred, or eliminated CAPEX costs for network equipment to increase bandwidth capacity,
  • Reduced OPEX costs due to lower subscription and network service costs and higher NetOps team productivity,
  • Maintaining agreed SLAs with various constituents and maximizing user and client Quality of Experience
  • The ability to maintain business continuity, reduce trouble-tickets and have faster mean-time to resolution of network problems
  • Return on investment payback in 6 to 8 months based on cost savings and better network productivity