The COVID-19 pandemic has changed

how people travel, gather and enjoy time away from home. Many of the restrictions and new health and safety requirements will persist for the foreseeable future. The transportation and hospitality experience will be radically different from the past as the sector urgently invests in new technologies. AI enabled health and environmental sensors, contactless technologies, IoT devices, mobile payments, and location will be used to provide automated personalization. These technologies will provide more efficient transportation in smart cities, secure and orderly movement in public venues such as airports, buses, hotels, restaurants and stadiums, and engaging multimedia customer experiences. They will also help employees, security personnel, suppliers and retailers operate effectively in this new environment.

As the network becomes foundational to transportation and hospitality business models, intelligent traffic management with advanced machine learning and analytics will be essential to manage the dramatic shifts and growth in network traffic as devices and applications compete for network resources.



  • Improve the travel and guest experience and loyalty
  • Increase productivity during travel
  • Greater efficiency – luggage location sensors, smart energy applications
  • Protect users from malicious traffic

In a more security, safety and health conscious world, the transportation and hospitality sector is adopting new AI, automation, mobile, and contactless technologies at an unprecedented rate. Intelligent Traffic Management will be the key to success in this new landscape.

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