AppLogic Network's Insights solution enables you to see the What, When, Where, Who, and Why behind network problems, and more importantly, how those problems are impacting your customers’ experience, and what you can do to resolve those problems in real time.
Beyond monitoring and troubleshooting, Insights can help you more effectively optimize your network resources and more precisely plan your network build outs so that you can put your infrastructure investments where they’ll do the most good.
Network operators are continually expanding their networks, introducing new technologies, and required to deliver stricter KPIs (e.g., low latency) but often with limited ability to add new resources due to slow top-line growth.
Operators must improve their efficiency and accelerate revenue growth while delivering best-in-class customer experiences. The right performance and operational metrics (including those that provide visibility into the customer experience) enable new forms of automation and empower network operators to respond in ways that can both save the day and improve revenues.