Parental Control

Maintaining a safe and secure environment for children online is a major concern for parents. There are many reasons why a parent might want to restrict internet access for their children: it could be to block websites or applications that contain objectionable material, or to help children focus on homework by limiting social media access at certain times of the day. Parents need help from service providers to achieve peace of mind in knowing that their children are protected from content that they do not want their children exposed to.

There are many challenges with existing parental control solutions, examples of which are:

  • On-device pre-installed parental control is heavy and consumes battery time and resources
  • CPE based parental control is often subscriber managed and comes with limited functionality and resources
  • On-device downloadable software is easy to circumvent

Parental control is not just about URL filtering.

AppLogic Networks' Parental Control software module is based on a combination of AppLogic Networks technologies that deliver a comprehensive and compelling offer for service providers.


With AppLogic Network's application identification and content filtering, operators can offer a parental control solution that is:

  • Harder to outsmart: The primary account is the only one allowed to change policies and rules
  • Easy and flexible to manage: APIs enable self-configuration through the operators self-service portal
  • An Enhanced Offering: Going beyond basic offering, it delivers application, content, account, and time-of-day control data

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Further Reading

Usage-Based Services
Increase revenue by launching innovative service plans based on perceived value and user behavior
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Zero-Rating and Application Based Plans
Create value, increase revenue, and enhance customer experience with unlimited usage of popular applications
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Video and Television Fraud Management
Discover, monitor, and take action on video and television piracy
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